Art Classes
Inspiration: Jackson pollock
Abstract Art

Inspiration: jackson pollock
Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956) was an American Painter. He started his career painting in a more realistic style, but became famous for his abstract expressionist style. His most famous paintings used a technique where he dripped and splashed paint onto a large canvas.
painting style: abstract expressionism
Abstract art is non-representational modern art. It is not intended to represent real objects or living things. The composition focuses on aesthetic appearance. Color, lines and form are placed in an intentional manner to create a visually appealing work of art.
Abstract artists use various, often non-traditional, techniques to apply the paint to the canvas. In this class we will focus on the techniques of splattering, splashing and dripping. The application uses basic artist rules of composition to create a visually appealing piece.
This includes downloadable tips and techniques sheets, videos and informational background on the painting style and artist who inspired this class. Everything is 100% online so you can go at your own pace. You can post your finished masterpiece in the student art gallery.
Enrollment for this course is currently closed.
inspiration: claude monet
Impressionistic Art

claude monet
Claude Monet (November 14, 1840 – December 5, 1926) was a French painter. He is most noted as the founder of the French Impressionist painting movement.
painting style: impressionist
Impressionism was an art movement that became popular in the 19th century. Impressionism marked a move away from the more realistic paintings of the day and sought to convey a feeling or “impression” rather than photogenic realism. Ordinary subject matter was used, often portraying landscapes at different times of the day.
Impressionist artists use visible brush strokes in their paintings. In this class we will focus on the use of small, intentional brush strokes to create our masterpieces. Special attention will be placed on light effects and movement to convey a feeling. Though classically impressionism is done en plein aire (outdoors), this class will illustrate how you can capture the same light effects indoors.
This includes downloadable tips and techniques sheets, videos and informational background on the painting style and artist who inspired this class. Everything is 100% online so you can go at your own pace. You can post your finished masterpiece in the student art gallery.
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Enrollment is currently closed. Please fill in the form below to be notified when content is available for purchase again. If you are looking to explore all facets of your creativity please check out the parent company of Alki Avenue Arts:
Walk on the Creative Side
wandering the path to creativity